An exhibition was made in collaboration with C.C. (Commons Cafe, formerly Culture Cafe) to invoke the memory of Lazarus Elnady, a con artist who roamed around Europe on his motorbike until he stopped by a public restroom in Freiburg im Breisgau and disappeared. C.C. is a subculture venue where attendees must never reveal their real identities but must create entirely fictitious ones. Therefore, creating an exhibition about a person who disappeared and whose identity is unknown became an opportunity for speculation and fabulation. By deciding to turn the public restroom into an exhibition space, smell became one of the main elements of the exhibition. Soap was made of oud, nard, and myrrh—incenses that were brought to the tomb of Jesus by his apostles when they discovered he was not there. Additionally, wooden tubes of relics, but solid, were displayed. The exhibition included a picture of a dragon taken from a painting of Saint George used as well as a tattoo of lazarus, a helmet serving as a box of relics, silver like the moon, and a spinning top as an animal, a handmade motorcycle seat, Paintings by the members of c.c.