“Security Street” is an exhibition consisting of street signs, a board game, advertising, and a reading corner. It is dominated by the Burrow Insurance Company, a company that materializes security and promotes its product in the form of a board game, exploiting all other addresses on the same street, which are:

C.C. is a café where people go wearing different identities, inventing histories and experiences, and participating in collective actions of repairing objects, conceptions, and stories without claiming ownership or situating themselves within a power hierarchy.

I.C.O. is an institution that offers a summer school consisting of three workshops. The institution intends for its summer school participants to develop, repair, and challenge their relationship between the body and whatever falls into our visual perception— the image. The first workshop deals with the body in the making of the image; the second workshop focuses on the body within the image; the third workshop handles the body in the reception of the image. We are interested in image gleaners and foragers, not image hunters or ethnographers.

S.A.C.S. is the NGO that exists within the writings of the anonymous anarchist group TIQQUN. A study group has been created there to investigate violences in banal situations, comparing, classifying, and observing the already taken-for-granted apparatuses. The violences we examine surround us in dating apps and supermarkets, academia and scholarships, language and media—we compare them and untie the complex threads that hold them together.

H.A. branches out from Avery Gordon’s Hawthorne Archive. With Gordon’s cooperation, Hydra Archive is the depot of attempts from the margins of society to pulverize the status quo into the raw material of utopia(s). It is the ongoing collection of stories and documents that have intentionally been poorly recorded and written out of the white man’s project of history.